Agile's Customer Manifesto - Value #1

Value 1. Customer-centricity, respect for people and diversity over processes and tools

agile's customer manifesto values

Visit the Business Agilitiy HUB to VOTE on this Value! SPRINT 1 Voting closes September 28th, 2022.

The First 'Elephant in the room' refers to the way Business focuses on Tools and Processes but can forget how its actions can impact People: Citizens, Consumers, Customers, Employees and Suppliers.

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Agile Development: 1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Agile Sales: 1. Customer needs over 'Rinse & Repeat' pitch process

Agile HR: 5. Intrinsic motivation over extrinsic rewards

Agile Marketing: 1. Focusing on customer value and business outcomes over activity and outputs

Declaration of Interdependence : 4. Individuals are the ultimate source of value, and creating an environment where they can make a difference

The Business Agility HUB is uncovering better ways of ensuring Social Responsibility and Customer Advocacy. Join Us!

Do You Want to be a Signatory of Agile's Customer Manifesto? Reach out to any of the Signatories and let them know before September 28th, 2022!