Agile's Customer Manifesto - Value #3

Value 3. Cross-functional engagement with customers in frequent interactions and shared ownership over contract negotiation

agile's customer manifesto values

Visit the Business Agility HUB to VOTE on this Value! SPRINT 1 Voting closes September 28th, 2022.

The Third 'Elephant in the room' refers to the way Business focuses on contractual negotiation instead discovering shared ownership, mutually beneficial solutions through frequent engagement with customers (Collaborative Feedback).

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Agile Development: 3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Agile Sales: 3. Cross-Functional and Iterative engagement with customers over contract negotiation

Agile HR: 1. Collaborative networks over hierarchical structures

Agile Marketing: 4. Cross-functional collaboration over silos and hierarchy

Declaration of Interdependence : 2. Engaging customers in frequent interactions and shared ownership

The Business Agility HUB is uncovering better ways of ensuring Social Responsibility and Customer Advocacy. Join Us!

Do You Want to be a Signatory of Agile's Customer Manifesto? Reach out to any of the Signatories and let them know before September 28th, 2022!